The morning of July 29th, 2010 on a Thursday, I was riding the metro bus on the way to my security gig at the Los Angeles Coliseum for the X Games. As I was sitting in my seat staring out of the metro bus window, I kept thinking of the prefix "Syl". I was unscrambling it in my head in a few different scenarios then coming up with the word "Sylvia."
When I arrived at the Coliseum, I walked to the security office, just across the street from the Los Angeles Sports Arena, to sign in and to grab a yellow jacket to get suited up for the shift. I waited for 30 to 45 minutes to have them assign me a post. I was assigned near the front entrance of the Coliseum where the torch is lite and the wall on the right-side of the entrance has 5 large iron-cast placards with the names of every Olympic Gold Medalist names imprinted on these placards. In July 28th until August 12th the 23rd Olympiad existed in Los Angeles.
To return to my previous situation, I was riding the bus and the prefix "Syl" came up in my mind. The spot where I was assigned had these placards right in front of me to stare at for the endless 8 hours I was posted in this area. As I kept inspecting the placards for a bit when all of a sudden there were two different names with the prefix “Syl”:
· Under the swimming section, there were a group of names and under the “3 Meter Springboard” champion the name printed was a Sylvie Bernier from Canada.
· Second: under the section entitled IOC (International Olympic Committee) there was a list of name of the “Executive Board Members” with the name Sylvio De Magalhaes Padilha from Brazil.
When I noticed the prefix “Syl” iron casted on the placards, about a couple hours later, then the subject crept into my mind about “third-eye.” I remember in General Psychology, and X-Files episodes, that there lies a sensory perception far beyond the human psyche of intangible means, what one would call a "third eye"; this is known as ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). ESP involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind.
I began to research for more conclusive information to back up this subject of "Extra Sensory Perception," and I was very astonished and very surprised to find out that many psychologists from the Parapsychology field (Parapsychology is the study of paranormal psychic phenomena, including ESP) find ESP to be very inclusive; however, the evidence presented is not very significant. For instance, there have been numerous studies published, 50 to be exact, in which 33 [of these studies] were contributed by investigators other than Rhine and the Duke University group. Of these [33] studies, 61% of these independent studies reported significant results suggestive of ESP [1].
Even though, parapsychologists generally regard testing, such as the “Ganzfeld experiment,” to provide compelling evidence for the existence of ESP; the scientific community does not accept this due to the disputed evidence base upon the lack of a theory that would explain ESP, and the lack of experimental techniques which can provide reliably sufficient evidence [1]. In truth, the skepticism has been established based upon the idea of concrete evidence necessary to provide sufficient explanation for this phenomenon. Basically, the consensus is "if apples do exist, as one could perceive, then what tree did it come from or does a tree exist at all?" This is the motivation behind much skepticism; the belief that without evidence or "concrete" proof, fact alone will not suffice the curiosity of the scholar or the information seeker.
Let me give you another apple to chew here about this phenomenon, many test have reported saying ESP has occur spontaneously in conditions that are not scientifically controlled. Such experiences, often, have been reported to be much stronger and to be more obvious than those observed in laboratory (controlled) experiments. (However, it has proven extremely difficult (perhaps impossible) to replicate such extraordinary experiences under controlled scientific conditions.)[1] This statement of facts could lightly suffice many answers to questions pertaining to ESP’s origins.
Whatever one may think, and regardless of my story in an empirical point-of-view, ESP has been given various names. In the 19th century it was called "cryptesthesia," later it was labeled "relesthesia," which since became clairvoyance, or "seeing in the distance." It was Rhine who coined the term "general extrasensory perception" (GESP) to include both telepathy and clairvoyance. Later the term psi was designated to cover ESP and PK (Psychokinesis).[2] The phenomenon is already wide-open for interpretation and investigation. As this article has suggested, scientific laboratory testing can't zero in on a specific marker to how ESP or "clairvoyance" exist in the human mind. This type of state is one that will come and go as the wind, an element to “the ether” that exists in the collective unconscious of human existence.
I believe this is a great sign for psychologist in parapsychology field. There is a vast opening in the gap to present many facts and items to support the existence of the "unknown." We could derive much evidence from theorist like analytical psychologist like Carl Jung who believed that with ESP, “the conscious mind has subliminal psychic access to the collective unconscious, a vast repository of accumulative wisdom and experience of the human race."[2] The consciousness is a vast area of the psyche with much to offer in content and in context.
I was in a meditative state during my moment of "supraconsciousness." I have acquired the understanding of what ESP is about and how affective it may be for the subject who has experienced such a phenomenon.
To conclude this posting, I will access a question to whomever may read this; even with the minimal evidence presented in this article, what could you derive of yourself, if or had you, had an experience in a phenomenon similar to this situation? What I am posing here is how honest you can be about yourselves when skeptical about anything unexplainable to your unconscious thought. This area in psychology (parapsychology to be exact,) tests our decisions and our attitudes toward skepticism, particularly, in cases dealing with phenomenon of the "unforeseen" in the existence of the human iris. We have all heard the phrase "seeing is believing," and this story of mine represents what ESP derives from "a state of unconscious synergy."
I will conclude with this last phrase: The point being made is that when dealing with psychic phenomena all factors must be considered when examining the performance [2]. This is where you should reference your answer to the question above I seek of you above. Until the next posting take care and may your conscious be your resolute guide to success.
All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. - Buddha
[1] Extrasensory perception. (2010, July 24). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:22, July 30, 2010, from
[2] (2003). Iceberg C-21 Breaks off Shackleton Ice Shelf. Retrieved Mar. 25, 2003, from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Washington, DC. Web site: